
What type of hacker uses their skills to find and properly report vulnerabilities to the company that writes the software?

  1. White Hat Hacker

  2. Grey Hat Hacker

  3. Black Hat Hacker

  4. Script-kiddie

True or False: A script-kiddie is an unexperienced hacker that uses scripts without understanding their underlying purpose?

What is not a tactic, technique, or procedure a hacker would use to attack a system or network?

  1. Enumeration

  2. Password cracking

  3. Install antivirus software

  4. Install malware

True or False: Software piracy or sharing music without the consent of the author, performer, or production company is not a crime?

True or False: A minor sending sexually explicit photos of themselves to another minor is not considered the distribution of child pornography?

Which of the following are not symptoms a child exhibits while being cyber bullied?

  1. Frequently missing school

  2. Low self-esteem

  3. Drug or alcohol use

  4. High rate of attendance

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